Looking back.

Sometimes I have trouble coming up with a topic for my blog. There is just so much going on and yet also not much going on at all. It’s almost like one must go out of their way to do nothing as a way to balance a whole lot of something. So, I asked a friend about subject matter for today’s entry. We agreed that it’s interesting to think about the relationships we’ve had with people who are maybe no longer in our lives and how this time of great crisis is a reckoning. Perhaps we don’t know exactly why things happened the way they did but the day is coming when it will all make sense. Sometimes people come out of the woodwork and allow us to see them just a little while longer or under a different lens…and we get an answer. Other times, it all remains a mystery and we haven’t yet figured out the lesson. But I believe in staying as positive as possible, looking forward with great hope and resilience, and trusting that it really is all working out, somehow, someway, for our highest good.

Julie Dewing