I offer a safe space for the needs of highly sensitive people. I can guide them to be their very best selves in areas of relationships and wellness.

I offer a safe space for the needs of highly sensitive people. I can guide them to be their very best selves in areas of relationships and wellness.
I understand the unique needs of people who are highly sensitive and empathic, and I can help them acknowledge their own strengths, wisdom, and power!
I’d Love to Talk to You
Let me show you how practicing being fully seen and heard will add incredible value to your overall well-being
“Julie is a natural empath with endless compassion. She provides a solid, safe, energetic container for heavy emotions that need to be released. She is not afraid of peoples’ dark truths and is completely non-judgmental. Julie is composed, organized, articulate, incredibly intelligent, and generous with the time she takes to dissect each issue. She has overcome a painful past and is a warrior in the face of being incredibly sensitive. She will always offer her umbrella to whomever needs it and is the rainbow after the rain.”
“Julie is an awesome friend. She has always been there for me with empathy and kindness. She understands people and always wants the best for them.”
“Julie is a wonderfully empathetic coach who listens intently and has smart, practical ideas about how to solve problems. Together we brainstormed and came up with several ideas for how I could get myself out of a really stubborn winter rut. She gave me some simple, effective assignments to help me work through my creative block. She even had me check in with her at intervals to help me stay on track with my exercise routine. ”
“Julie is always able to tap into the energy and address the concern that someone has in his or her life. She gives people the opportunity to get out of being stuck by asking how to approach the issue as a team.”
“Julie is incredibly optimistic with her clients. She offers warmth and sincerity and because of her empathic abilities she offers an individual approach for each client. There is graciousness and an attitude of gratitude; a lesson to teach every client. She reminds us to be grateful for the things we have and is always polite, prompt, and considerate.”
“Julie tells people exactly how it is but is extremely empathetic and truly cares. She takes the time to thoroughly help me with anything I need. Julie is good at sensing how I feel without me being extremely detailed in how I feel; she just naturally knows. She is completely non-judgmental, understanding, and so loving. She is consistent, motivational, and passionate, and I always feel better when I talk to her.”
“Julie is logical, empathetic, creative, wise, and compassionate. She is a great listener and totally non-judgmental, and she is oftentimes the only one who can help me feel better.”